Thursday, June 19, 2014

This is Why I'm For Regulating Hate Speech

-bobbie - From a comment somewhere.
For the above picture, it can be found here:
The above picture is from the very first comment. It's not the whole comment from the snapshot though. 
I'll also like to note that bobbie's comment doesn't have that great English I think, but it's good enough to understand.

There are a lot of other comments that disagree for actually, possibly, good reasons I think.
Negative speech has been proven to cause pain, suffering, and other problems to many kinds of people.
If people are allowed to bash others for who they are, then that would be promoting censorship, because it causes those to hide, not speak up, and possibly censor themselves for the rest of there lives, thanks to discrimination, and any other forms of hatred. It's not just censorship.

It's not just what's legally consider "Hate Speech", it's also any form of negative/hatred speech. Such as a lifestyle for example or other things you couldn't control (At least what's not consider Sexual Orientation (Though should be) for example). Also, the Law shouldn't define that "Hate Speech" only includes what's some US law meanings mean. Hate speech should be consider any message that's pretty much "hatred": I.e. Speech base off hating anyone or anything from the person. Or anything for that matter.

The legal meaning is based off "opinion" (Yet, partly right). Yet, there are those who don't include "Religion" and there are those who do include "Religion". Yet again, these are just names some people decided to add, so therefor, it would be legit to include "lifestyle" and more things..

Either way, negativity of any kind against a person's interest or lifestyle has caused many issues, and suffering; which is another form of pain.

Many people suffered due to bigoted, ignorance, and other hatred ideas. This is why I'm for regulating it.
If we had much more negativity in our history, then lot's of people who would already express themselves in this Universe, would of been hidden in the other Universe where the history was worse. There would also be more suicide, pain, and suffering.

Thanks to fighting back, it's not as bad to the vision I just had, but our current one still needs work.


For the belief that "Freedom of Speech" means to say anything you want:
If I had to believe that Hate Speech should be banned (I.e. Somehow shouldn't count for the US constitution), then I would include regulations on other speeches that some people don't define "Hate Speech".

Why? For the SAME reasons.

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